pn chan's retirement ...

a final salute to pn chan ..

27,28,29 JUne 07

here we are .. lookin at our superbly well curved body pn chan .. our beloved smkbu school principal .. she's finally leavin after serving for 6yrs in our school ..
the school has blossom into a 'school' under her love n care .. n i no longer regard it as a school because even the toilet's are cleaner than taylors !!...they even have hand soaps..
1st day
she had 3 events organised for her ... the 1st 1 was in kdu college on wednesday night .. a buffet dinner .. it was the new-ly build cafeteria if i'm not mistaken ... plenty of teachers .. parents.. n sadly .. there were onli 4 in my year tht went !! ... no support larh after all the things she's done for us .. me hann rosalyn n ian .
all the years had representative givin her final speeches .. and 2 my astonishment , muizz n mahathir shed weight faster than ken growin tall !! .. hehe .. 1/3 of they're org size now ..we sang our school song 4 the laz time . n err yea the food was all so nic e.. but i paid 15 bucks n i was so hungry .. i had 2 servings.. hehe .. the pasta sucked , the onli thing tht was nice was hann was drinkin from a tiny glass used for shots .. hehe .. said hi to the teachers , chatted awhile and left .. highlight of the day was pn chan brought her group of dance mates but unfortunately they didn't perform ..
2nd day
this was the best night -no stupid thoughts- .. its been so long we bunch of guys got together n had a good laugh together .. non stop catchin up with each other in the -hall- of our school .. compromising 4 classrooms i think ... the adilians , all my ex-mates!! .. juz love hangin our together again .. n suprisingly , me n the group sang ' u raise me up-josh groban ' in front of the crowd for the choir .. n i didn't noe i actually could sing!! .. but wilson yi ming n nick lead us well .. eheh .. owh n pianist melissa too !! .. we each hugged pn chan , n i could bet she was in tears !! .. touchin .. n lik she alwayz say to our batch ..( u guys will alwayz be number1 ) the school canteen even gave us sandwiches !! FOC !!.. we look lik a bunch of kids eatin with teachers packet sandwich .. highlight of the day .. when the hall was all dark .. we kept shoutin shiau SHIAU SHIAU > lol .. shiau ur alwayz nice n famous !!

su ann n me ... :p
3rd day

paparazzi squad..
final n official day of pn chan's retirement .. cham .. she fell sick i think ...suppose to start at 830 but postpone to 930 .. hehe .. came in a hyundai matrix ..
she was welcomed lik a queen !! lik a kerabat diraja or something, she was dressed in yellow golden baju kurung i think . the 'official' dress of the school ..the press was even there , interviewing both me n hann , but knowin hann has the inborn talent in all this , he handled the talkin n i was juz sightseeing beside .. the event began n the performance ...etc.. hann had to help ian video the whole scene cause he had some prob back in uni .. lol .. pity him ..

pn chan singing .. super chun singer
we all found out our head of pibg Mr PAUL,had a 7yr long AFFAIR with our principal .. lol juz by signing cheques.. hmmph juz by signin cheques for the school .. funny guy .. n when students were lining up to give their respect n gifts to pn chan .. the HELICOPTER flew by !! .. creatin a massive havoc .. students ran towards the school field where the helicopter landed ..
after some touchy moments between the principal n students . its a final farewell for her .. she was escorted by almos the whole school towards the field .. then we're lik the paparazzi trying to take shots .. many thx to mohsin .. i cant remember his name .. apparently he's dad owns the helicopter thingy of malaysia .. so u can c pn chan .. beside her lovely hubby , flying off.( nt a car ., n accorin to edmund , even a ferari gets stuck in a traffic jam but the chopter juz breeze through). leavin all the sweet memories behind .. n all her love for us to remember ..

check out the students .. on rampage !!

stayin down ..

press doin laz min interview..

a final number 1 for all of us ..

me beside the proud chopter n the waving hand

mother of smkbu !!

any1 1s the video of her flyin off is on my phone ..
without her .. bu will juz be an ordinary school ... many thx !!..
n if any1s interested in line dancing .. contact her !! .


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