sleepover n potter mania !!
be4 i start .. hann meng n choy .. i'm so so sorry ..i deleted most of the potter pics in my pho0ne by accident while transferring the pictures.. omg .. there's onli memories now.. no pics !!! this is wat u call sim thia .. any1 noe how to retrieve tell me !! not all are memories .. it didn't happen did it ?? lik caleb alwayz say

choy n the dunk .. meng n jit're jealous

hann's version ..
so it started after i played badminton in the morning .. went to lunch with dru ..
hmmph .. then went to hann''s place .. go to this gym room .. then started playing ball . then his dad's rule .. must go into the pool for detoxifying purpose ..

triceps workout ..

the result .. hehe .. effective huh ..
ok .. so we ended up in the pool and started doing crazy things like usual .. me hann jit meng n choy .. we did all sorts of stupid things .
n stronger legs .. tied with hann the longest time underwater .. eheeh .. sai meng is still so afraid of water.. go in like wanna die like tht .

4man race . .. sdrawkcab.. if u understand the way we're walkin u noe ..

2man affair ..

the aftermath .. all tired ..
then had sumptuous dinner over at his dining table .. hehe .. all spicy and nice vege .. all hann ate was rice and curry .. picky larh tht guy .. hehe then we headed to the bu2 court praying it wont rain with our full stomach .. went over and played only 15min be4 it started to pour .. jim called to scold my bro y didn't he wake him up .. crazy n weird guy ..

things we did ...

in the dark .. funny no XXXXX
then kk called .. n we headed to kepong for bak kut teh !! ... quite nice .. we're alwayz in the luck .. everytime i go there for bkt , it'll be raining !! its like extra spice to the bkt !! .. lol .. finished kk n his gal went to breakers .. jim to somewhere .. n me n my bro to hann's place !!>. jit couldn't join us this time arnd .. so it was 2 pair or bros n meng n choy .. lik the good old days ..
chatted .. played chess , n surfed the net .. etc.. then .. hann;s crazy thought came into life !! go to KINOKUNIYA n try our luck to be the 1st 13 ..

us n hann's tanker .. in the mornin .. be4 dawn
so drove off arnd 4 plus .. went home to change n got the voucher for the 30% off for jit .. hehe . then headed to klcc .. had no idea hann didn't quite know the place .. n worst .. some bus banged his side mirror .. scary !! .. almoz stoned .. err it did stone sai meng .. the lone guy w/o license .. 2 bus honk n wave us to stop but we couldn't be bothered especially it was so late already .. so we juz rushed n eventually ended up in klcc .. parked ..

shocked on the way up ..
n climb lik 4 flight of stairs ... so tiring.. kinokuniya was at the highest floor .. think we reached at say ..520 .. packed!!! massive human traffic jam .. omg .. other floors were empty .. onli tht floor .. think i must've been the 520 guy !! .. 2 small kids were the 1st 2 .. chun leh . most of them were asleep sitting onthe floor.. so we took our line n chatted lik for 2 hrs.. hehe .. this is the part where i started cam whoring n crazily taking pictures !! now its all gone .. haihz. sob .. really almost cried ..

1st 13 lucky n gila n err.. die hard fans

poor guy guarding the lift.. not lik it was operating .. more lik dumb guy
n finaaly .. 630 .. kinokuniya open its doors.. so we started getting nearer to the queue .. but was held up cause u need to give the fat lady the password .. this pic also gone .. haihzz .. then went in n got our own copies.. queue wasn't so bad after tht .. some kids were crazy they started sitting there n reading the book .. hmmph .. left the place .. parking was 6 bucks .. i cheated a guy with 4bucks worth of 50cents coins.. lol .. the machine wasn't workin and i said my coins would work . lol ..

long queue ..
went to have breakfast in syed abu.. dj . .. had those cute lil nasi lemak .. very nice .. but not worth it .. was almos 830 already ..went home .. slept .. wat a day .. ppl are really crazy over potter !! .. started reading it already .. haihzz .. so many books to read ..
sorry guys .. best potter pics left.
and a reason for jit to get jealous lik i mentioned above..

if ur a baller u noe .. i nice finger role tho .. meng cant even master tht
be4 i start .. hann meng n choy .. i'm so so sorry ..i deleted most of the potter pics in my pho0ne by accident while transferring the pictures.. omg .. there's onli memories now.. no pics !!! this is wat u call sim thia .. any1 noe how to retrieve tell me !! not all are memories .. it didn't happen did it ?? lik caleb alwayz say
choy n the dunk .. meng n jit're jealous
hann's version ..
so it started after i played badminton in the morning .. went to lunch with dru ..
hmmph .. then went to hann''s place .. go to this gym room .. then started playing ball . then his dad's rule .. must go into the pool for detoxifying purpose ..
triceps workout ..
the result .. hehe .. effective huh ..
ok .. so we ended up in the pool and started doing crazy things like usual .. me hann jit meng n choy .. we did all sorts of stupid things .
n stronger legs .. tied with hann the longest time underwater .. eheeh .. sai meng is still so afraid of water.. go in like wanna die like tht .
4man race . .. sdrawkcab.. if u understand the way we're walkin u noe ..
2man affair ..
the aftermath .. all tired ..
then had sumptuous dinner over at his dining table .. hehe .. all spicy and nice vege .. all hann ate was rice and curry .. picky larh tht guy .. hehe then we headed to the bu2 court praying it wont rain with our full stomach .. went over and played only 15min be4 it started to pour .. jim called to scold my bro y didn't he wake him up .. crazy n weird guy ..
things we did ...
in the dark .. funny no XXXXX
then kk called .. n we headed to kepong for bak kut teh !! ... quite nice .. we're alwayz in the luck .. everytime i go there for bkt , it'll be raining !! its like extra spice to the bkt !! .. lol .. finished kk n his gal went to breakers .. jim to somewhere .. n me n my bro to hann's place !!>. jit couldn't join us this time arnd .. so it was 2 pair or bros n meng n choy .. lik the good old days ..
chatted .. played chess , n surfed the net .. etc.. then .. hann;s crazy thought came into life !! go to KINOKUNIYA n try our luck to be the 1st 13 ..
us n hann's tanker .. in the mornin .. be4 dawn
so drove off arnd 4 plus .. went home to change n got the voucher for the 30% off for jit .. hehe . then headed to klcc .. had no idea hann didn't quite know the place .. n worst .. some bus banged his side mirror .. scary !! .. almoz stoned .. err it did stone sai meng .. the lone guy w/o license .. 2 bus honk n wave us to stop but we couldn't be bothered especially it was so late already .. so we juz rushed n eventually ended up in klcc .. parked ..
shocked on the way up ..
n climb lik 4 flight of stairs ... so tiring.. kinokuniya was at the highest floor .. think we reached at say ..520 .. packed!!! massive human traffic jam .. omg .. other floors were empty .. onli tht floor .. think i must've been the 520 guy !! .. 2 small kids were the 1st 2 .. chun leh . most of them were asleep sitting onthe floor.. so we took our line n chatted lik for 2 hrs.. hehe .. this is the part where i started cam whoring n crazily taking pictures !! now its all gone .. haihz. sob .. really almost cried ..
1st 13 lucky n gila n err.. die hard fans
poor guy guarding the lift.. not lik it was operating .. more lik dumb guy
n finaaly .. 630 .. kinokuniya open its doors.. so we started getting nearer to the queue .. but was held up cause u need to give the fat lady the password .. this pic also gone .. haihzz .. then went in n got our own copies.. queue wasn't so bad after tht .. some kids were crazy they started sitting there n reading the book .. hmmph .. left the place .. parking was 6 bucks .. i cheated a guy with 4bucks worth of 50cents coins.. lol .. the machine wasn't workin and i said my coins would work . lol ..
long queue ..
went to have breakfast in syed abu.. dj . .. had those cute lil nasi lemak .. very nice .. but not worth it .. was almos 830 already ..went home .. slept .. wat a day .. ppl are really crazy over potter !! .. started reading it already .. haihzz .. so many books to read ..
sorry guys .. best potter pics left.
and a reason for jit to get jealous lik i mentioned above..
if ur a baller u noe .. i nice finger role tho .. meng cant even master tht