Final three ...

Says ke lun's nick, tree down tree to go.

It feels like it is taking forever to end ! However, I have no complains how my exams are tailored in such a way it allows your brain to rest, maybe rest too much then get yourself up and motivate yourself to start all over again for the next subject.

For the start, I've procrastinated almost the whole day now ! Right
after Thermodynamics 2, went for my 'regular' swim and heading back for a well deserved pizza ! Oh wait, and my curry noodles. I'm being such a girl now, exercising and replacing them with heaty food is not making my complexion any better: ( Mummy says the fruits you take everyday takes time to fix your complexion, it does not happen overnight.

Anyhow, been stuck in front of my computer, checking news headlines: from sports right up till business news, talked to my family and decided I should blog before I head off to study Process Dynamics and Control. Surprisingly those tasks took me 5 hours to complete and I still haven't touch Facebook.

I have been snacking a lot, hopefully my daily three types fruit will counter the effect. Very well, three more, only three more, and it will be the end of my 2nd year. Time flies, man I'm 21 come October.

Exactly one year for the pictures below. Look at how much both of us 'grew'

Back to work.


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