Why I don't think Americans are relevant

It has been awhile since I last blogged. Reason being I was busy with exams and now with my internship. Anyhow, I will definitely try keeping this blog alive with all my latest updates.

Just a short rant about Americans being irrelevant people. Well, of course, I have come across a few that are pretty cool and really nice people. Lets just break it down into point forms.

You all must know how the american government is treating BP ( which happen to be the company I work for now) after the Deepwater horizon oil spill. I just feel an injustice floating in the air after seeing how American companies were treated for their absolute disastrous accidents in the past. It sounds as if BP had dug a well and burst it to pollute the Gulf of Mexico.

Now, lets look back at 3 main cases: Exxon Valdex spill in Alaska, the Piper explosion and Bhopal chemical leak. What did they have to come up against? A FRACTION compared to what BP's facing. I would rather them focusing on trying to solve this matter than putting the blame on BP. Just like everyone else, all they can do is just talk, whilst BP is trying to solve this matter.

Check out how cool BP's work is. http://www.bp.com/sectionbodycopy.do?categoryId=9034366&contentId=7063636

I have personally encountered 2 corporate Americans which were a complete opposite from each other. A guy from Cargill, absolute nuisance with his attitude thinking he is the most powerful guy. On the otherhand, a guy from MSI Solutions, the most friendly guy you can meet !

So guys, I hope BP sell all their US assets to a China company to send shivers to the US people.


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