Keeping this alive

It has been months since I wrote something. I feel like I've lost touch with my blog-my diary for me to express myself whenever I want to.

Feeling extremely worried at the moment, I can only turn to writing to express myself yet again, so thank god for this blog. 11 weeks have passed in my internship. Yes, 11 weeks just flew by. I had my assessment day 2 days ago which will determine if I get a job offer. However, I think I have failed myself, I do not think I performed well enough. I just don't think I did great. Reflecting the day itself just makes myself picks on more and more mistakes I did.

The outcome will be next week and I am guaranteed to have a mood swing. Whatever the outcome, I'm jetting off to Milan with audrey to meet the fashion district and jim - ultimate bros of bros. I need this break, I need a break, desperately in need of a few. Enough said, I actually wished I has gone home to enjoy the food and my family.

I hate leaving my life decisions to other people, you feel out of control, helpless. That's why I need to be a boss someday, or a partner in my own establish business. Lifes really a rollercoaster ride, at least mine is. Staying busy has always been my thing, and having audrey helps me relax so I'm getting the best of both worlds.

I really hope I get the job. Let's keep our fingers crossed and let Bp decide.


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