A place to leave comments

I've always wanted to document my daily activities but somehow, I feel Twitter and Facebook to be too 'open' simply because I do not want everyone to know what I did etc. Writing it in a diary on the other hand is too old school/boring, I love reading what I write but I doubt I will be able to find my diary since I'm not an organised person.
This blog seem to be a great place to pen my thoughts down after such a long time.

Again, time flies and I've been through so much in the past few months. Interviews and my website has definitely gave me a new insight to the real world. Been to maybe 7-8 Assessment Centres and successful at 3, good ratio i guess, judging on the fact that I thought I should've nailed all of them. Website has been great but more work is needed.

Anyhow, just felt like writing this for 24th of April:
Brainstormed for a new name: 30 hours
Barbeque at Desmond's: 4 hours
Jog: 30minutes
Study: 2 hours

That's like the perfect time spent on everything :p Anyhow, been doing 8 miles cycling from Earl's Court to Canada water and I'm loving it.
Still dreaming of a London Marathon :)


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