Airport send off, meetings and being helpful

Was in the airport for 2 consecutive days marked with sending Caleb off, helping someone which brightened up my day, picked my cousin up at the airport followed by picking Audrey up in the early morning.

1) Sent Caleb off on Thursday, 8th of September, 2011 - marking the end of a milestone and the start of another. Well, it was a good bro chat and as always, we've sent each other off and travelled together for many years now. Loads of planning and motivation to do from my side but enjoyed the 4 years thus far.

2) Met with a lady name Lydia who's a jewellery designer (part time) and also a band player who was touring the UK. Saw her struggling to book into a hotel, tried in vain to withdraw money because her credit card, debit card and cash cards weren't working. She was using the public phone when I decided to ask if she needed some coins. Thought she could use a few to make her night better. Found out she's from the states on a stopover for the night and was trying to get her husband to give her his credit card details. I told SJ (my cousin) when I met him and he suggested I lend her my mobile instead of coins - works better ! I had doubts because she is a stranger but turned out she was really nice and we spoke etc.

3) Picked my cousin up from T1 after I met Lydia at T1. Was a great cousin-y hung out night as well. Loads of sharing of opinions, words of advices etc. Was really good to meet up and have a nice chat!

4) Picked Audrey up, having to wake up at 440am to catch her at 6am in the airport. Gruelling tasks especially when I slept at 1am. Got there early, fantastic to see her as it has been awhile and got the taxi to come earlier as well :) chatted the whole journey home which was amazing !!!!!!

Okay, back to work now :)


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