Realistic? Or just defensive?

This is the argument put forward, should we be realistic or follow our heart?

Should we boast about us, or remain humble.

The favourite phrase I'd picked from one of the top personnels I admire: 'dream, by all means dream, but keep your feet on the ground'

In today's world, everyone is realistic. Everyone wants quick success or quick comfort. What happened to the age-old qualities of slogging it hard and making it happen, becoming successful with your loved ones.

Unfortunately as we embark on our career of dreams, the passion and qualities sometimes take the back seat. We are driven, for factors that are external: money, reputation, attention. These do not last a lifetime, humbleness and passion do.

Too many times, I see individuals my age, even myself, let the external factors get the upper hand of our life. The peer pressure, the wants and the dreams, is honestly unhealthy to one but this is life they always say, we are mold into what life wants us to be.

As long as the passion flows on, the quarter life crisis will not hit so badly (random sentence)


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