Kuantan Housekeeping

Typically, once I set foot in a new town, I need to get all my basic necessity check. So, within my first week in Kuantan, I explored all the nearby amenities.

All checked !!
Chinese food: 
this food court nearby (sadly not a walk away but a drive away) should be my most frequented place in weeks to come.
Only downside is food court lacks vegetables and it is difficult to order when you are ALONE!

Market : for my fruit supply
A great fan of apple and oranges, finally found some of them behind the big market. Surprisingly, there were none in the big markets and any pasar malams.

Grocery: for my first shower cream, shampoo and tooth paste.... okay a bit of junk hence food section
Straightforward, Giant is right next to my hotel

Facilities and Attraction:
Petrol station and car wash: 
very convenient, on my way to work and one just behind the hotel. Helps when you drive 60km a day and when you work in an industrial area

Golf Driving Range:
Two things in my resolution is that I do not read enough and I do not play golf enough. So for starters, 2013 will be the beginning of my golf game and hitting the greens more often. The aim is to hit the greens in February/March.

Gym and sporting area:
Besides the gym provided by the hotel, there is really not many areas I have explored, mainly because of laziness.

Tourist attractions:
This is the sole area I'm waiting for my friends to come and visit together. Should start inviting more !!

Not bad so far for a week but need to read !!


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