The wandering eyes, or being too observant..

Malaysians are known to be attentive and observant - well, at least I think so.

I remember hearing many people commenting about Malaysians holidaying by the beach, our eyes wander and lock in on attractive and scantily clad ladies. You can view that as being too attracted, or being disrespectful depending on how you look at it.

My personal opinion is the latter: at the rate our eyes are going, it feels not just disrespectful, but often annoying. I had a recent encounter when I was out with 2 foreign friends of mine. Not only did we get stares, but followers @@!#!?

It felt like the locals have not seen any foreigners before, rightly so they've not but the stares were too annoying and I sincerely hope my guests were not offended by it. I was not too worried for myself, as I was constantly engaging in conversations with them.

Not too much we can do unless to change the mindset of the locals. And as long as foreigners are not too offended by us, they should continue to be our source of income - tourist.


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