Transportation Malaysia : 2nd class lower forever

I've lived in 3 cities in the past 6 years of my life. One was where I grew up in and it is also where transportation is the worst.

It is sad that after many years, Malaysia still have a terrible transportation system. Yes, the train networks are expanding but the bus services and city road plannings are terrible. It is natural to assume there will be traffic in any major city during peak hours. The government or the transport ministry puts planning into improving conditions: better rail network, more frequent bus services, accessible public bicycles, heavy occupancy vehicle lanes etc. Malaysia, however, has done poorly in all sections.

My experience 2 years ago is similar to the one 2 days ago. I commute via LRT from Kelana Jaya to Damai on a daily basis. My dad has to give me a ride to the station and back from the station. I only wished that they would improve the bus services back home. There are 5 buses going from Kelana Jaya (2 rapids, 3 free shuttle buses) and between 5pm to 7pm, you will be at most 2 buses that manage to get to Kelana Jaya, if you are lucky. I have seen people waiting for 1.5 hours for a bus, when the bus network says a bus is due to come every 15-20minutes. That is 6x later than expected.

This only contributes to higher stress level. Waiting out in the hot for a bus that will never show up, one can read the paper and use the phone. However, you really want to get home or somewhere and every single second wasted is money, plus it gives us unpleasant experiences.

I urged the government to improve the bus services. With more MRT/LRT sprouting in the Klang Valley area, there is no use if the bus network is not solved for getting passengers from their housing area to the station.

The reason I mentioned this is because London and Boston have the most extensive bus network I've seen, nevermind NYC. Boston was hit by the worst snow ever in 50 years, but buses continue to run. Similarly, buses do not stop in London. Malaysia has tried the bus lane and failed, all because the bus lane was never filled !! Hopefully the country will improve in the transportation sector, bringing more patience and happiness to its citizens.  


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