Market trade 4.1.20
Pointers: Market rallied 3 days last week. Friday down. Monday Up. Tuesday down big. Wednesday pointing down. 1) Bitcoin at to 6.2K again, No position for now 2) S&P: 2.3K, Dow 21K, 3) Monitor XEBEF, tanked to 2.54 again after 2.73 high, tanked to 2.03, tanked to 1.89 then to 1.5. 1.37 was lowest point back to 1.37 now up to 1.93. Back down to 2.06. $3K position at 2.06 (bad move) Down to 3K from 13.5K in January 1) Today will be red day 2) Need to strategize so little money left Actions: No day trades. Webull maybe 1) Calls Apple - sold Microsoft - hold TDOC - barred sold 2) Puts Darden - to sell at open Bought spy put 3) Stocks MSFT - sold - swap to Zoom (sold) and TDOC (held) ALK - hold DAL - hold - dont sell XEBEF - hold - don't sell - sold half Learnings: 1) Timing : Don't buy puts after historic drops. Don't buy call after historic rise. Buy reverse EOD after reverse. Don't buy reverse early of the day. Understand there's ...