The Office Stakeholders

I have been in the corporate line for more than 3 years. I worked for a public-listed company that has strong historical links with the local government.

The categories of stakeholders in the company are all too evident. I have broken it down into 7 categories, all taking a share of the revenue pie the company generates. I have omitted others such as the authorities and the utility generators simply because I rarely see them in the office.

I also would like to put a rating of time spent in office vs. salary on a scale of 1-9.

The big bosses 
Our white collar bosses that wears a suit in the office. They are usually identified by their chauffeur-driven-imported-premium-car, their access to the private lift and the amount of people wanting to shake their hands.

You bump into them when you walk into or out of the main building or when they happen to use the common elevator. The good golfers get an occasional game with the elite.

The real workers
The off few that you see spending long hours at their desk, in meeting rooms and running between floors. The real workers I call them do the majority of the leg work and operation for the organization.

They spend minimal time out for lunch and you see them coming in and leaving later than most. They are not the best paid, but the best resource for the company and also has enormous knowledge. Companies risk losing them if compensation and expectations of work is not matched.

The cafe idlers
Any time of the day, you have a high chance of seeing them in the cafe. They are the social butterflies, and often not seen at their desk. They know everyone, from the new hire to the big bosses and call them by their first name.

They may generate the least profit for the company but can be a go-to guy when auditors or authorities visit.

The swanky consultants
Clean look, well-pressed suits, man bags, and shiny shoes. These are the over-paid intelligent consultants taking on strategy initiatives for the organization. Rarely you see them except when trying to book appointments with your big bosses.

No swanky cars but cabs on delivery. They usually work in pairs and it is also quite impossible to see them at the cafeteria. I wonder where they have lunch with their salary package.

The eager vendors
The ones who want a buy-in to the company. The ones who already service the company. They come up with all the good stuff to sell what they do - including the occasional golf game they play with the big bosses to win over the contract. Often times, when they do not deliver, they get a bail-out card through 'the connection'.

The overtime auditors
Hardworking, secluded, long hours, looks like they could use another cup of coffee, young. These auditors never leave their laptops and huge files. They often harass the accountants and any operation man to audit the files. They move in herds, you see one you see all. One leaves work, the rest go.

The cleaners
The minimum wage janitor that ensures the well-being of the facility. They are either cleaning the restrooms, or wiping down the next stain in sight. They operate in herds too and often times scramble for whatever cheap food they can get from the canteen. Female middle age foreign workers mainly or local.

What are your office settings? Who do you think is most "valuable" or can be dispensed to reduce the operating cost of a company? 


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