Market Trade 1.3.20

1) Market dropped 300 points after up 300 points. Killing of Iran Commander caused instability
2) Bitcoin hovering down to 6900 then up to 7300.
3) Signing of China deal on 15th, Dec Fed minutes out today

1) Expiring: AMD and YETI: Not hitting
2) 2 LK calls: bought 2 more, cleared one - ALL DOWN
3) Clear another Apple call and try to re-enter - hit
4) Clear Pton? watch 1 left AUPH call
5) Monday night TTD, ASNA, DNH: Sold all  
6) Hold CRSP, nothing I can do 
7) Sell GS, and AMD try to rebuy lower - didn't sell AMD, rebought, sold GS and rebought 
8) Evaluate if want to sell FTOWA or Chewy - sold FTOWA
9) Bought more LK, Chase and GS 

1) CRSPR crazy news - nothing yet
2) YETI, Peloton drop
4) LK, Apple, AUPH, Baba spike

1) Entered LK too soon - need to learn historical movement
2) Need to day trade for GS
3) Slow move on AMD - see if can capitalize


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