3,4 week in uk

love japanese food suddenly ,, reason 1

reason 2

reason3 bento box
very expensive though ..

still smiling , got pimple liao ..

hmmph .. the title sounds so formal .. anyways , so far so good in uk // except that we are having more and more work coming up .. today just had a design passed up just at the deadline .. haihzz , it was so stressed up .. we were doing ok then everything started to go wrong .. anyways it was still good work except we just couldn't stand 1 group member , nevertheless , it was still a well done job . we did our best .

back on food , been cooking everyday except saturdays , sundays sometimes ..

food i miss the most .. had it in the raya open house

sweet food on mom's birthday

looks a bit plain but nice .. ginger chicken !!
but now starting to cook for like a stretch of 3 days or more for meat .. then vege cook on the spot .. had some splendid dishes ( to me ) cooked by me n my mom . i've been cooking so so much , wanting to save money .. hehe .. anyways yea .. and i've been eating sandwich every afternoon , cereal or sandwich every breakfast and rice or spaghetti every dinner ..

spaghetti sauce .. just splendid
sounds so dead but to me its actually good food .. and before or after every meal i'll have at least an apple .

my dosage of sweet stuff ...

meal 1 ..
sibeh healthy , once in awhile i'll pop some cakes , or sometimes just chocolate .. this few days i've been eating alot of vege potato fruits and meat , need the energy to think n play sports .. have to keep eating , appetite gone down but still eating .. once or twice a week my mom'll force me to eat vegetables i dislike , celery , some beans etc ..

best salmon from m%s .. just delicious
surprisingly when i'm here , i'm not even picky , whatever i have i eat .. i even started eating plum , kiwi , and some vege .. all the 1s i dun take at home ..
i havent even try the common room's food yet .. so gonna try it next week !! ..
my fried egg is also getting perfect .. it looks better now n hence tastier . .
my fried vegetables 2 !! . they're so appetizing now ... impressed with myself

weekly affair

my best dish of all .. tastiest of all ..

slurp... :p

my routine everyday is simple .. wake up at 7 .. get prepared leave at 8 before class starts at 9 .. its so far away , n i cant stop complaining !!! .. if i wake up at 8 means i'm definitely late . 40minutes away .. n i cannot exchange or transfer.. every morning i prepare my sandwich which i'm always so proud of .. its so tasty .. then head to uni .. monday tues n thursday is the same .. finish at 5 like that .. these 3 days are also the only days i can go gym .. so have to plan my time properly ..
either i wake up early or go during lunch break .. wednesday in london is like the activity day .. so every1 goes for their society or sports games on this day ..

black soya sauce chicken
wednesday is always the day i look forward 2. its either i have a game for badminton or for basketball .. its always so interesting, we lost to lse in badminton 1st game , then we won the 2nd game against sussex i think , i didn't play the 2nd cause i was playing basketball in portsmouth ( a freaking 3 hour drive ) i was so lucky to be included in the team .. scored like 9 points .. 3 free throws n 2 3 pointers ..
it was really fun and nice .. n friday and saturday is my hectic day .. i have basketball training at night at 8-10 then next day badminton n basketball all the way till 6 .. then we'll go for a deserving dinner outside.. then saturday now start my mixed badminton training .. after that is off day !! . .so i virtually have so little time for myself only now .. gonna stop so much sports when exams come .. my week is a repeat except if i take time out do some shopping in oxford street , high street ken or sometimes angel .. had a dinner with sue also .. seong juin's(cousin) wife . went to ikkhuysan .. was delicious .. apparently seong juin's high school mate works there n he gave us complimentary sushi

the smart people , from german china swiss singapore ..
yea i still hate my accommodation's location but i love the fact only 5 people share a kitchen and i have a double bed .. HIGHLIGHT OR THE WEEK : i spend 1 night without electricity because the oven in the kitchen is faulty .. worst day .. cant even bathe .. but the best part of the week is i got to played in my 1st basketball game for imperial !! .. gonna take pictures of the team soon .. and i got the jersey already, though number 12 .. hehe .. then the badminton kits came .. so great!!

i miss all my friends , my darling and my family larh .. but have to stay on .. gonna work super hard
.. n happy birthday to my sis , sindru and my mom !! u guys are old !!

ain't u proud !!;p's

ps/ i'm really busy so if u guys wanna c my pics or what's going on around me go to www.nigelhehn.multiply.com .. the camera is with me every where i go


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