Musical !! n a bit of food.
NEVER FORGET TAKE THAT !!! musical at Savoy Theater hey, i won't have the time to post anymore i think right after this due to the fact that the exams are way too near now !! No time for working out, guess my belly needs some working out at times as well. Had lectures/ tutorials from 9-5 today seriously !! 2 lectures got canceled and i woke up late .. Was a gruesome day. Went to watch Never Forget the musical on Thursday with my mom and met up with Sue( cousin's wife ) .. Practically got dragged by my mom to watch it with her friends but i truly enjoyed it. It was amazing, my first musical and it was a bomb !! They had this affect when the rain was actually pouring down the stage where they controlled the positions of the rain so that the actors don't get drenched, Also, the made the word NEVER FORGET out of the rain !! and bloody hell the singing was amazing.. A few hot blondes was in the house too !! plus loads of aunties. And yea more food as the exams draws in.. Tom yam...