the 123 blog post
Ever wondered I would reach number 123 post when I started my blog : no
Many have asked, is my life so enjoyable? Do I always have fun ?
And many times have I answered, my blog: a lil part of life, is the happy organ of Wei Hehn. The blog where you can only know/find happy things going around.
Who would want to read about anyone's sorrows ? We all love lovely and beautiful but life would be dull without all the challenges, all the obstacles that prevent us from achieving happiness.
So here goes a new chapter in my life. This term, this easter holiday, this month, is doomed to be
the hardcore month. I have been drifting, or what you call slacking except I think mine was for a better cause. Again, do I have to have reasons for everything I do ? Do I have to be realistic in today's world ? Can't I follow my instinct , follow how I feel and leave the rest to luck and faith ?
Why can't I let things go and be less realistic ? Why can't I just let my feelings take control of me and believe ? Why do I have to make up excuses after excuses and run away from love and not embrace it ?
Come to think of it after laying it off for 2 hours, maybe this post should never be up in this happy-go-lucky blog of mine. Oh well, just to motivate myself, Hehn is DEEMED to be Successful, not over confident or proud, but just to inspire myself to achieve greater heights.
I have many targets, but I will have to take them out one by one, I can't shoot them down with one bullet, just take your time, think what is right and you will find your way, some how, some day, eventually.
I'm in the hardcore month too, exams in like 5 days' time.