
Showing posts from July, 2014

Dilemma: Network or Passion

Have you ever been in the position that you had an option, a choice, or a decision that you know would influence your way of thinking ? Were you in a networking event that you just wanted to get the business card of an influential individual rather than approaching a company that you know you have very strong interest in? I was in a similar situation just 2 months ago. Here I was, being a budding student again with my fellow summer students and aspiring part-time school-goers. I was spoil for choice. Option 1: Work with a very knowledgeable Individual that I was trying to build network with, BUT in a topic that I am relatively familiar with - Marketing. Option 2: Taking the risk and taking a completely new field to me - Finance & Banking with a group of unproven individuals. I took option 2. In hindsight, zero regrets. Mind you, option 1 was working in a particularly intellectual man, who has an MBA from Stanford, and has worked with Apple. Ideally, it would be nice if he ...