A test of memory 1: 4 years of IC
My dad has been telling me this: Every night I try to keep my brain active by remembering numbers and writing it down. Now, this prove ever important for a young man like me especially when I'm only at the beginning of my career. Memory, knowledge.... the importance of it in your workplace makes you stand out. For example: I'm just blurting this out, oil palm production is on a CAGR 7.5% for the past 10 years and kernel oil is on 5.5% if I am not mistaken with hiccups during 1998 and the 2008-2009 period due to the financial crisis and the weather - La Nina and El Nino. Anyway, this post is all about my 4 years in IC hopefully less than 200 words. 2007: Dream of Imperial was floating away because : 1) I questioned Matar if I could switch courses after going in for first year 2) Chemistry was so difficult I couldn't even think of a way to answer it ! 3) Well, no money no talk. When everything fell into place (in ascending orders), acceptance to IC, Scholarship t...